Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"I'll wait until Mt. Everest has a ski lift..."

The group I traveled to Haiti with has truly touched me, they have taught me so much, made me laugh till it hurts, and made me feel completely welcome, even as the late comer. We have decided that since we have such an international group that we have a lot of traveling ahead. So, while I do enjoy an adventure, some of them are a bit more 'dare-devil' then I think I will ever be. Thus, explaining the title of this post. The past few days have been a blur...heres the highlites...
  • Climbed a mountain...breathtaking. (Look forward to those pictures)
  • Carried my own chair through the woods to a church with tin walls and a tin roof (hello heat wave)
  • Helped with manual labor building the new seminary (I'm a wimp)
As I am packing to leave in just a matter of hours, I can't believe that two weeks as flown by. I have so much to share and so much to tell, I just hope I can find a way to do that coherently. Time for some sad goodbyes, they are so hard (and I'm a huge baby!) Talk to you all when I am back in the states... crazy.


SunMin Kim said...

I'm sad to see you all go! =(

Jessi said...

Can't wait to hear the whole story!