Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Culture shock...

I may be a little overwhelmed by the site of paved roads, buildings with 4 sides, and people speaking English. But, I am safe and sound back in the US. I am actually at home for the night to spend time with my family and will get back to Saint Louis tomorrow. Be prepared for more exciting posts...well, more 'visually' exciting! But I can give you a couple teasers, credit to SunMin, his blog, and his photo-snapping. (Missing us yet, SunMin?) That is SunMin and I below, he's sporting the headband, which was my fashion symbol for the trip (even though it failed to hide my crazy hair and sweaty forehead :) --it's real purpose) and the picture to the left is from Labadee beach, where we went last Saturday. Just two little pictures to make my posts a little more enticing.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

i wish i had big hair like you for the headband. :( glad your back on red/white/blue soil, just in time for fireworks!

Oh, and we went to Labadee on our first cruise. but I think that it was a section that the cruiseline owned.. ;)