Friday, June 27, 2008

"All berries exist"

The title of this post is dedicated to Anna, at breakfast one morning I ended by saying "all berries exist"...let your mind wander on that one. There is so much to tell you about this week but I just wanted to put up a short post to say all is well. This week I got a little sick but Limbe was amazing nonetheless. I got to shadow a really incredible doctor, Dr. James, and was moved by his compassion and dedication to the Haitian people. My heart has been changed by the country of Haiti and I can't wait to tell you more about 5 days when I return home. (Can't believe it's been 11 days!) Tomorrow we are climbing a mountain (so so so excited!) and this week I opted to ride in the back of the pick-up truck home from Limbe in the pouring rain (for the first ten minutes it was refreshing to actually feel COLD in Haiti, after that it was just plain cold...) Most of our clinic work is done but Tim and Mary are heading out to do a mobile clinic about 4 hours away, the girls and I are left here to climb mountains and fend for ourselves. Finish our trip in Haiti, sad. Oh, and I have taken 400+ pictures so FAR and I haven't even been to the top of a mountain, aren't you glad I started a blog now so I am forced to show you only the best ones...I thought so. much love from the most beautiful place on earth.

1 comment:

~Kim said...

All berries exist...that's just poetic and beautiful Jen! : )

So glad to read that Haiti is still exceeding your expectations despite the bad around there. So sorry that you were sick, glad it didn't last long.

Can't wait to see some of those 400+ pictures at the bottom of the mountain and the who knows how many you will take on the mountain!! : )
