I had a fabulous weekend at Put-In-Bay with my favorite people. (When people say "you don't meet your husband in college, you meet your bridesmaids", I think its a lie. I found mine in high school [I can't speak about the husband line])

Right, that miscellaneous man is NOT a part of our group. He thought he enhanced the photo, we thought otherwise...
But, I do have an amazing group of friends at school, too. But since a lot of them are guys, I don't think they would make the best bridesmaids (ha, okay I thought I was funny there...)

That was at a Cardinals game for Pat's birthday at the beginning of the summer. Obviously we waited until way after the game so we look like we are the only people there...
And of course to Alli, Mel's sister, my sister, our sister. not one part of me really believes she is off to college. Well, she is and she loves it. Mel and I of course feel old. This was at her prom pictures. (Yes, we realize she looks older than both of us)

Adios to a great summer, Bonjour to a new school year. (Multi-lingual, I know)
love from StL
Yes sweetie, unfortunately the end of summer has come....now if only the weather would agree! It's so stinkin' hot here in Oklahoma.
Awesome for you and 3 day weekends...those are the best! I used to only take Tues/Thurs classes so I would have a 4 day weekend every week....long gone are those days.
Best of luck to you this semester....are you almost finished? : )
um 'scuse me...did you give up on blogging? miss you!
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