Back to my buddy! She was pretty comical when it came to the picture taking. You wonder where kids get these ideas... [he..he]
They were learning blood banking and transfusions, I was playing guinea pig (I actually jumped up to volunteer, I didn't know my blood type!)
Regardless of facial expression, this was the least painful stick to draw blood I have ever had. She was a pro!
Manual labor in Haiti...
I watched them work on cutting this log for 2 days and they still weren't done. At one point during my 'awe', I believe they asked me if I wanted to 'try it out'. I'd like you all to consider me in either of those positions... I'm glad I gave you a good laugh for the day.
Being home has been really great and my holiday weekend FLEW by! I started Physics 2 this week, my FINAL pre-medical class, my final requirement to take the MCAT (... skin prickling feeling caused just by the word...). To truly believe that I am starting my senior year of college (well, my FIRST senior year of college...), I am still in shock. This weekend I am off to see Lauren in DC, experience our nation's capital (probably in no more of an adult fashion than I did when I was 8--imagine lots of 'ooooh's and 'aaaahh's... and pictures with me and statues. Obviously.), and ultimately spend too much money in the Georgetown bookstore (my dad's alma mater, come on, its justified!)
Regardless of everything happening around me, I don't think I have gone more than an hour since being home where I haven't thought of, talked about, or looked at pictures of Haiti (I've made Mel's ears bleed over dinner my first night back--she's been such a great listener; we all know my thoughts can go times). My plans to go there again in the future, my hopes for the country of Haiti in the future, and my desire to always be touched by my experience there weave in and out of my mind all day. Haiti has blessed me with one thing overall, new motivation and new clarity. In my hopes to share this experience, I never mean to speak negatively of our lifestyle and all of the blessings we have... they are truly a gift (and something I was glad to come home to!). Now, I have realized how important it is to be thankful, to give back when we have the chance, and to always have hope and dreams for the future.
For the future of Haiti and that we may have an ounce of the hope and strength that those people possess. I raise my glass of Sleepy-time Tea to you.
Love from the StL.
PS- my little moment above should not let you believe that the Haiti pictures and posts are complete. We are just touching the surface!!!
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